Thursday, August 28, 2008
Small harvest today
2 big tomatoes and 53 romas for a total of 11 1/4 pounds all sent to the Food Service Department for lunches next week.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day Seven summer school
Today we had a visitor, local beekeeper, Ms. B. came with all of her equipment to teach us about beekeeping.
Everyone got to take a turn trying on the special hat and gloves. Then we all got to turn the crank used to separate the honey. She passed around the box parts for us to see, but the bees had to stay at home today.
Then it was onto the bus for a field trip to the local Demonstration Garden maintained by the local master gardeners.

No time for journaling or weather today. Tomorrow is our last class. How the time has flown.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Day Six Summer School


We have a guest presenter, a master composter and volunteer with the master gardeners group from the region. After the classroom lesson, we head outside to see the humus that a good compost pile can produce. The Mr. P. shows us how to unhook the sides of the mesh box that holds the composting leaves, grass and garden clippings. Our students take turns forking the pile back into the enclosure. This is our way of "turning" the pile. After it is turned, they check the temperature with a special probe and find the temperature climbs to 173 degrees. That's real

Today we also discover our very first pepper growing on one of the plants.
As always, it's also a day to journal and note what has changed.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Day Five Summer School
Every day we start with a garden riddle. Here is today's riddle:
I grow underground. You can only see the tops of my leaves.
I can be yellow, white, or red.
You can eat me in sandwiches or rings.
When you cut me up, I may make you cry.

On the way out to the garden the stude

In the garden it's a day to weed and thin.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Day Four Summer School
Journal notes: " Bed 8 --green peppers are 8 inches tall, green and doing very well, good!"
"Bed 3 Rutabaga is 1 inch tall, green. Doing very good"
"there is grass growing near the plants and turnip beetles in the beds".

Outside there are lots of cucumbers growing in the big pot, so we transplant a few back into one of the beds.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day Three Summer School

At classtime it was: 67.9 degrees. Winds 10-12 mph. No rain overnight.
Here is how the beds looked before mulching.
Today we hiked across the soccer field to a very "ripe" pile of aging grass clippings. What a perfect mulch this will make! We use our trusty winter sleds piled high and pulled over to the garden. Once back at the garden, we lay down several layers of newspaper on the soil, wet it down good then place the grass on top. The girls were better about getting their hands in the grass than the boys were. Luckily, we have a stash of gardening gloves for anyone wanting to protect their hands.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day Two Summer School

Todays work in the garden includes beginning to stain the tomato "ladders" that will support our tomato plants. We used the same supports last year, but this year we want to protect them from the weather a bit.
Will notes in his journal that" it's 68 degrees out today with a 7 mph wind" When we gather in the classroom we always check the weather from the school's WeatherBug on the website.
Insects noted by

AJ measured the tomato plants in one of the beds. The tallest is 11 inches, there is a 10 inch plant and the smallest one is 7 inches. Digging for insects and looking at them with the magnifying glass was a big fascination today.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Now growing 8 raised beds filled with vegetables and flowers.
Produce will benefit our Elementary School community,
Students gathered starting on June 16th for eight days of lessons and gardening, led by our 4-H and Master Gardener volunteers. On this first day of class we discover that things have grown since planting and the last day of school 10 days ago. There are also weeds growing, so one of the first tasks is to weed in all of the beds.
Then we think about what to use for a mulch around the tomatoes and the peppers. Tomorrow we will hike across the soccer fields and "borrow" some of the old grass piled up over there.
Kids are excited to find beetles and caterpillars in many of the beds.
Keyah writes in her journal "there are worms eating the beans".
AJ notes that the flowers are 5 inches tall.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Planting the seeds
Here's what went in:
- dill in a bed and in a pot
- cucumber, also in bed #7 and in a seperate pot
- radish
- carrot
- beets
- rutabaga
- lettuce
- green beans
- sunflowers in each bed for a total of 9 sunflowers
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Danger of frost has finally passed

Our 3rd grade friends helped to plant the peppers and tomatoes in the garden beds today.
Tomato varieties: Celebrity, Better Boy, Pilgrim and Roma
Pepper varieties: Chinese Giant and Keystone
Thursday, May 8, 2008
"Mystery" Tomato & Pepper Problem Solved

We might sell the "mystery" plants later this month with the proceeds going to help the garden.
Neat solution, huh?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Again we use the buckets of potting soil and in the excitement, everyone forgets to transfer the labels to the new pots. Now how will we know what we have? We've got trays of "mystery tomatoes" and peppers. Hmmm
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring is on the Way
Varieties this year include:
Tomato: Celebrity, Goliath, Pilgrim & Applause
Pepper: Chinese Giant

Can spring be too far behind?