Friday, May 25, 2007

Cedar Beds -- Construction Day

North Country Master Gardeners, Mr. J.and Mr. P. along with Mr. C. & son arrive with power tools to begin construction of the cedar beds.

Mrs. P. has her truck full of lumber, so everyone pitches in to help carry in boards. Soon the 3rd grade hallway is filled with the wonderful aroma of fresh cedar boards.

Parent volunteer Mrs. B. and 4-H leader, Mrs. P. help guide students as they work in the hallway, or back in the classroom, transplanting tomatoes which will soon be placed out in the new garden beds.

Students help to move the tomato seedlings which are now back from the High School where

they’ve grown so huge that they have outgrown their small pots. It will be good to get them out into the garden when the beds are done.

Taking a turn with Mr. C. drilling the holes to attach the “legs” which will be sunk into the ground to stabilize the beds.

Local Area Ag Development Agent, Kevin Schoessow located a source of soil that he has soil test from. It's a mix of top soil from various sources with a sandy loam texture. Yellow River Supply (Cemstone) donates almost 8 yards of soil which were delivered in a big pile.

Kids & volunteers get busy with shovels and buckets to fill each bed.

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