The Elementary School Helping Hands Garden is well on its way to another successful year!
The 2013-2014 third grade students were responsible for planting the garden! The classes started peppers, tomatoes, and squash from seed beginning in April! The last week of May/first week of June, the students planted the garden. Take a special look at all the flower beds, those were designed by the 3rd graders! 

A couple new pieces this year: Bean pole tee-pee, cucumber and squash trellis, recycled tin can chains, colored lathes and labels.
North Country Master Gardener Russ Parker assembled the bean pole tee-pee and trellis. Students in Nature Quest Summer School class colored the cans, lathes, and labels.
This garden as well as the Experiences in the Middle School Garden are open to the community. The only thing we ask is if you visit the gardens, please respect the plants and their growth. If items get picked before they are ready, the community and students are missing out.
The gardens are looking beautiful so we encourage you to stop by and see all the hard work the students put in planting, weeding, journaling about, and caring for the various vegetables and flowers!
Thank you to all the volunteers and families who have stopped in to water, weed, and enjoy the gardens!