Friday, May 30, 2008

Planting the seeds

4th graders had their chance to plant today. Their job was to plant the last 3 beds with our crops that will be grown from seed.

Here's what went in:
  • dill in a bed and in a pot
  • cucumber, also in bed #7 and in a seperate pot
  • radish
  • carrot
  • beets
  • rutabaga
  • lettuce
  • green beans
  • sunflowers in each bed for a total of 9 sunflowers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Danger of frost has finally passed

Our 3rd grade friends helped to plant the peppers and tomatoes in the garden beds today.

Tomato varieties: Celebrity, Better Boy, Pilgrim and Roma
Pepper varieties: Chinese Giant and Keystone

Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Mystery" Tomato & Pepper Problem Solved

One of our master gardener volunteers is growing the same varieties in his greenhouse, so he will substitute labeled plants for the ones that the students forgot to label.

We might sell the "mystery" plants later this month with the proceeds going to help the garden.

Neat solution, huh?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The seedlings have germinated and are growing beautifully. The tomatoes had gotten so tall that they outgrew the cart and had to be moved to a volunteer's greenhouse. Today is transplanting day. Our master gardener volunteers Chris & Nancy are coming to work with a classroom of 3rd graders to transfer the plants from their 4-cell pack to individual 4" pots.

Again we use the buckets of potting soil and in the excitement, everyone forgets to transfer the labels to the new pots. Now how will we know what we have? We've got trays of "mystery tomatoes" and peppers. Hmmm