After a long dormant winter, we are finally preparing for a new season in the school garden.
Today we planted tomato and green pepper seeds with the help of the 4-H Afterschool members. Our volunteers helped the kids to add water and stir the soil so it was just nice and moist. Each student received a two 4-cell packs and two small packets of seeds. Next stop was the soil station where they filled up with soil under the watchful eyes of our master gardener volunteers. They learned how to "dimple" the soil with a dull pencil and planted both types of seeds. Students carefully labeled the variety on a craft stick and filled out a seed planting journal sheet where they answered the two questions: "What kind of seed did you plant today?" and "I learned..."
Varieties this year include:
Tomato: Celebrity, Goliath, Pilgrim & Applause
Pepper: Chinese Giant

Varieties this year include:
Tomato: Celebrity, Goliath, Pilgrim & Applause
Pepper: Chinese Giant

These seedlings will now go into the garden cart under the grow lights to germinate and grow.
Can spring be too far behind?
Can spring be too far behind?